Nature Inspiring Innovation


Natural & Regenerative

Amniotic membrane

The amniotic membrane is the inner most layer of the placental membranes. The fresh amniotic membrane contains bioactive factors such as collagen, cell adhesion molecules, stem cells and growth factors that promote the healing process. However, processing of the membrane can only be done according to the FDA guidelines which surprisingly results in inactivation of the regenerative “stemness” of the cells.

Amniotic fluid

The growth factors, carbohydrates, lipids, amino acids, enzymes, exosomes and microRNAs and hormones found in amniotic fluid all collaborate in tissue regeneration with the exosomal microRNAs doing the bulk of the actual regenerative activity. These components work together at the site of the injury where the microRNAs appear to activate patient’s own stem cells in the tissue which, in turn, differentiate into new cells, and the injured tissue can be regenerated, repaired, and restored back to its normal state. The fluid has immunomodulatory activity which appears to markedly silence a variety of inflammatory genes, thereby contributing to tissue healing and pain reduction.


Proven Leadership


Pathway Healthcare Solutions, LLC is a leading national distributor of amniotic tissue and fluid and launched in 2015. The Pathway leadership team is comprised of industry professionals that have been in the medical device and biologics industry for 50 years and have worked for companies listed on the Fortune 100 and Fortune 500.

Pathway Healthcare Solutions Medical Advisor brings over 30 years of experience in the field of Regenerative Medicine having published over 50 white papers on the role that stem cells play in various clinical applications. In addition to his research, Pathway’s Medical Advisor was the Director of a stem Cell Centers for 8 years at a major academic institution on the East Coast.

Pathway Healthcare Solutions has utilized the same tissue bank since its inception and adheres to the strictest FDA policy guidelines for processing Human Cells, Tissue and Tissue Based Products (HCT/P’s).

Pathway’s vision is to combine the best products along with the best science to the burgeoning field of Regenerative Medicine.